Paphiopedilum Species
Pictured above is Paphiopedilum concolor, a very nice slipper orchid in the brachypetalum group....
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Growing Vireya Rhododendrons
Vireya Rhododendrons are an incredible group of plants that are quite different from your typical...
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Primulina sinovietnamica
Primulina sinovietnamica is a wonderful gesneriad that is quite unique. It produces nice rosettes...
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The Endangered Nepenthes
Nepenthes rigidifolia and clipeata are considered the most endangered Nepenthes, but perhaps there is more to the story.
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Rockwool & Nepenthes
Pictured, Paphiopedilum growing in Xavier Loubresse's Greenhouse.
Considering the novelty of us...
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A visit to Robert Seeber
Pictured above is Nepenthes jacquelineae.
In September I was fortunate to be able to visit severa...
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Growing Brugmansia vulcanicola
The genus Brugmansia is a wonderful group of flowering shrubs/small trees that has long been v...
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Neotropical Blueberries: Cavendishia, Ceratostema, Macleania, and more!
A brief summary of this incredible group of plants.
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Nepenthes Hybridization I
In American and European cultivation, it is without a doubt that hybrid Nepenthes exceed in numbe...
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Nepenthes x trusmadiensis
Nepenthes x trusmadiensis is a natural hybrid between N. lowii and N. macrophylla that was ori...
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