Paphiopedilum from the breeding of SelectOrchids!
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Out of stock

Paphiopedilum adductum var. anitum
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum barbigerum var. sulivongii
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Raspberry'
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum bellatulum var. album 4n
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey 'Springtime'
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum Bidborough 'Celle'
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum callosum var. sublaeve
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum ciliolare gigantea '#1'
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum coccineum
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum coccineum Giant
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum curtisii '#1'
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum Cymatodes ( aka 'superbiens')
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum Dollomite Hellas 'Westonbirt' x rothschildianum 'Mt Millais' 20-25 cm
Out of stock

Paphiopedilum Gael